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Interesting Class Projects

Dynamic Viewing (1st place)
For CSUA Hackathon Spring 2015, we built our final project for CS280, Computer Vision. We developed an algorithm to quickly track a user's face position, rotation, and distance using pyramid SSD template matching. Based on the tracking, we dynamically alter the center of projection of the monitor screen to offer a more realistic viewing experience.
Demo Video

Project 1: Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection
Project 2: Building a Pinhole Camera
Project 3: Fun with Frequencies!
Project 4: Seam Carving
Project 5: Face Morphing
Project 6: Lightfield Camera
Project 7a: Image Warping and Mosaicing
Project 7b: Feature Matching for Autostitching
Webpages showing all my work for CS194-26, Computational Photography and Image Manipulation. This was one of my favorite classes in Berkeley; the projects were simply amazing and opened my eyes to the power of algorithmic image processing.

Interesting Side Projects

ChessDetectorMoveFinder (1st place)
For CSUA Hackathon Fall 2015, we built a system that takes as input a running video stream of your real-life chess game through an Asus PrimeSense. It passes the board state after each turn to Stockfish, which then speaks out the optimal move for that turn.

Hands-on HTML
For Big Hack Spring 2014, we wrote a program that accepts as input a picture (drawn on paper) and turns it into an HTML webpage. The service renders images, recognizes text, and preserves locations of webpage components. Then, hand gestures can be used to dynamically shift, scale, and rotate the elements of the webpage.

For Caltech's Hacktech Spring 2014, we created an online multiplayer 3D space shooter game controlled with facial motions: head-turning to navigate and blinking to shoot!

CrosswordDetectorSolver (1st place)
For CSUA Hackathon Fall 2013, we built a system that takes as input a picture of a crossword puzzle and its clues, and outputs the complete solved puzzle.

Accelerometer Maze
For H@B Bearhack Fall 2013, we wrote an Android phone accelerometer-based maze navigation game, played on the computer.